Happy birthday sister mp3 song download

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In 1893, Patty Hill and her composer sister Mildred published it in a songbook called “Song Stories for the Kindergarten”.īesides the traditional Happy Birthday song, you can get various other versions like the Dance version, the Reggae version, and so many more. The melody of the rhyme comes from the song “Good Morning to All”.

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Scroll for two free birthday songs you can download or play on the right occasion.Īccording to the 1998 Guinness World Records, this is the most recognized tune in the English language. “Happy Birthday to you” (also “ The Happy Birthday Song” or simply “ Happy Birthday“) is a song that is traditionally sung to celebrate the anniversary of a person’s birth, and one of the most popular party songs.

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Happy Birthday to you Karaoke with Lyrics | Free Instrumental Download

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