Sniperspy vs

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It is less effective against several foes or when up close. The Sniper Rifle fires single, accurate bullets over extreme distances, but takes nearly two seconds to reload.Main article: Sniper weapons Primary weapons Weapon Different rifles have varying damage and charge rate. Pay attention to the rifle the Sniper is using.A fully-charged headshot will instantly kill any class, barring a combination of overhealing and damage reduction.Try not to get hit at all, as even an uncharged headshot or a fully-charged bodyshot from the default Sniper Rifle deals 150 damage - enough to instantly kill weaker classes and severely injure tougher ones. The Sniper's primary weapons are unaffected by damage fall-off.He has difficulty fleeing from mobile opponents such as the Scout, Soldier, and Pyro. The Sniper runs at an average pace, but is heavily slowed while aiming.He will generally lose direct fights against sturdier classes. The Sniper shares the lowest base health with the Scout, Spy, & Engineer.If you get close, he will have difficulty landing a headshot on you. A Sniper is most effective when he fights from a distance.Make good use of cover and keep moving to avoid being an easy target.

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